We all have some bad habits.
Some are harmless, others hinder our development.
It can be difficult to get rid of such habits.
Sometimes we don't even know that some habits are the very ones that are holding us back from success.
If your goal is to be successful, read this list and try to identify if you have any of these bad habits.
Resisting change - not improving
The majority of unhappy people are pessimists who feel a lack of control over their lives.
They tend to sit back and wait for life to happen to them.
Instead of learning, and improving themselves, they keep plodding along and wonder why things never change.
If you find yourself reluctant to adopt new technology, learn new skills, or try new ideas, you will fall behind.
Today, the world is moving and changing faster than ever, and those who refuse to change will not have the tools to succeed.
It doesn’t mean you have to jump on every bandwagon when something new comes along.
But be open to new possibilities and willing to learn and try.
I know people think perfectionism is a good habit.
But it often means fear of doing something badly, so it prevents us from beginning or trying anything new.
Success comes along with failure, false starts, drafts, and do-overs.
Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty!
It’s better to try and fail than never do it.
Multitasking often results in errors, wasted time, reducing attention and performance.
It's because our brains need at least several seconds to switch contexts.
“Multitasking is a myth. In reality, it’s rapidly switching from one task to another, and then back again. And every time you make that switch, you pay a ‘tax’ on both your time and your energy. For that reason, it’s almost always more efficient to monotask. Focus on one thing and move on when you’re done, so you don’t pay unnecessary switching taxes.”
Focus is critical for producing your best work and, ultimately, succeeding.
Comparing Yourself to Others
Comparing yourself to others makes you focus on the wrong things.
Each of us have specific abilities, work methods, and timelines.
The fact that someone has accomplished a milestone in five days doesn’t mean you need to deliver the same.
Think about what you could do to optimize your process, focus on yourself and your goal.
Never taking time off
End this unhealthy hustle culture, when we need to be productive 24/7.
We don’t give our mind and body a break from continuously focusing on activities.
We don’t allow ourselves to relax and recharge regularly.
You must have time away from the pressure.
It will help you refocus, and re-energize.
You might come out with new ideas, you can get your motivation back.
The world will not stop, and your business will not be ruined when you get your desired break.
Neglecting your health
“When it comes to health, bad habits do harmful damage,” writes Thomas Corley in Change Your Habits, Change Your Life: Strategies that Transformed 177 Average People into Self-Made Millionaires .”
When you’re unhealthy, you’re tired, less productive, more stressed, and much more likely to get sick.
Let’s take an example of coffee.
You struggle to wake up and stay energized throughout the day.
So you reach for the coffee as your first beverage of the day.
Unfortunately, your body is already dehydrated at the start of the day.
And when you drink caffeine throughout the day instead of water, you make the problem worse.
A far better alternative is to create a habit of starting your day with water.
Water kick-starts your system and gets your body moving more naturally.
Stay in your comfort zone
I know taking risks and getting out of your comfort zone is unsettling.
But until you take that leap, you will not find the success you looking for.
When you stay in your comfort zone you do things as you always did.
You need to change to be able to grow.
Albert Einstein said, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”
If you want a different life, you have to change your mind, surroundings, get out of your comfort zone.
You can always change your life. There is a way to change your habits and achieve your goals.
Read the book Atomic Habits by James Clear.
It helped me, so you might find it helpful also.
Talk to you soon.
~ Karolina
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